Black and White Rule,Open Set installation 2010
Installation: mix media ; furniture ; drawings ; close circuit video projection / dimensions: 500 sq. m.
Installation views, Yaffo 23, Bezalel gallery Jerusalem, August 2010
scroll down for more images | photos Elad Sarig
The installation hosted the shoot of the video Black and White Rule and was presented right after the shoot as an installation that invited the viewers to examine the aftermath of the film process on the location, on the site. the objects and props held the traces of the past actions of the shoot and where accompanied by the story-board drawings.
A strange arena where vague experiments and games take place, where sense and non-sense merge; a bed, an armchair, a desk with painter’s grid and a medical laboratory are spread around a giant chessboard.
a camera is mounted high above, monitoring the chessboard and in close circuit, projecting an image onto a nearby office, fenced off by walls of brown carton boxes.